Monday, April 14, 2014

Nonstop Wrap Up

I am in Fernie for the host wrap up.  We are meeting all day talking about the highs and lows of the past season, trying to learn and implement improvements for season 2015.

Pictured here during a rare breath of fresh air from left are Operations Director and Canadian Boss Man Dave Richards, Banff Host Manuela Olibera-Dorn, Fernie Host Goff Abbott, Sales and Marketing Manager Christy Sutherland, Myself, Course Administrator Dana Erickson, and Fernie Host Mark Hatch.

My ski adventure today was extreme.  I drove up to the resort early this morning (6:30) with a plan to skin up to the top of Bear Chair, unfortunately for me it was staff day so the groomers were on the runs in force and I just did not feel up to a possible confrontation.  Plan B quickly took shape, off I went to the Cross Country Trails.  It was terrifying, the slush from yesterday had frozen into solid blocks and holes of various sizes,  compounding the challenge was the fact that the trails at Fernie more closely resemble down hill skiing to cross country.  My skiing was not graceful and I am sure would have been quite entertaining to watch.  But I got the job done.

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