Tuesday, April 8, 2014

CASI Level 2 Day 2

Today was Day 2 of my challenge and Day 2 of the CASI Level 2 course.  It is interesting being a participant on a certification course rather than the conductor.  The challenge for me is to accept the system I am challenging for what it is and while riding not compare the two.  The CASI evaluation process differs from the CSIA process.  The most striking difference for me is the training vs testing components.  CASI separates the two with clear delineation while the CSIA blends theses two components.  I am not sure which is better in terms of instructor skill outcome.  My observation is that candidates on CASI course need to take more responsibility for their own preparation.  We have a teaching evaluation on days 2-3-and 4 these evaluations are quite formal compared to CSIA evaluation process.  Today was Novice teaching, day 3 is freeride, and day 4 is groomed terrain teaching.

The riding today was difficult, it was really warm as in seeking shade for stopping places.  The snow was very slow which made implementing changes in my the difficult.  I managed to catch a ride up the Timber and Whitepass chairs at lunch, it was great to get up there. 

I am hoping it will freeze tonight but it looks like we might see some rain, regardless I will be on snow and loving it.

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