Sunday, December 23, 2012

Glory Stifled

 The Snow continues at Red Mountain.  Yesterday we had 16 cm on new on who knows how much recent.  This was my day to ski with Isabelle and Simon, as a full time ski instructor I don't actually get to ski with my own kids all that often.  So the three of us were there for first chair and were pumped for the day.  We had first tracks on Southern Belle, it was great.  We decided to hit it a second time since we saw that that only a few others had skied it.  This video clip is of Isabelle on her second run.  Simon went first and crashed, thankfully laughing when we got there. 

But then:  Simon decided to get up and do a couple of turns on the one ski he still had on.  I was in Dad mode not responsible Ski Instructor mode; He stopped, asked if he could do more turns on one ski (at least he was responsible enough to ask).  Sure I said thinking 'he's having fun' and 'good for his skiing'.  Of course then on his second turn he fell slowly, slowly enough that his ski did not release, his leg moved through a position that was just wrong.  I knew he was hurt before the crying started.  I felt terrible!

Ski Patrol got on the scene, took him down on a snowmobile to the base where Dr. Peter Kremple advised he get it x-rayed in emergency.  So there we three spent the rest of our day.  Thankfully, it turns out to be just a strain and he will be skiing in a couple of days.

Thanks Red Mountain Ski Patrolers  Nicole and Ken for being total Pros and thanks Dr. Krempl for taking time out of your ski day.

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