Friday, April 15, 2011

30 Slides in 30 Days

Mark's Spring Project:

April 15 2011.

My self imposed challenge: To ski everyday for the next 30 days. The skiing might happen at a ski area, might be cross country, usually will be touring, and might even be snowboarding.

I hope to accomplish two things with this: 1) get back into the Canadian Ski Quest BLOG and 2) keep up my fitness and ensure that I get out everyday.

One challenge is that I will not always be around Rossland, a Spokane weekend with the family comes to mind. The other challenge will be around Day 20, I imagine I will have a bit of work to get to snow on some days. But game on....

DAY 1/30
The snow at Red Mountain is still 100%. I skinned up Red with my dog Betsy. Fresh tracks on Back Trail through consistent corn snow. Good Start.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck! But I am pretty sure this is some sort of torture for those of us with no snow???