Tuesday, October 28, 2008

London Memories

Back in Rosslalnd now, good to be home. The action of London was great but three days was enough (I was there for six). I would like to be a tourist there at some point, instead of a sales guy. The highlight of the trip was catching up with some former NONSTOPERS. I found it much easier to talk to them than the 1000 or so potential NONSTOPERS or Red Mountain visitors who I was trying to sell something to. I think I am OK at selling but it is not natural to me. I am self trained at sales. Knowing the potential of Ski Shows, especially London, is a charge but generally the shows are a drain on me.

It was very good to catch up with the NONSTOP London Team, a very professional, positive and youthful operation. Good to be around. I had a great night with Tom Buxton, Chris Pritchford, Martin Laws-Chapman and Tara Wight. Fun times!

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