Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Close Call

To some my life in Rossland through summer looks quite relaxing. However it is not completely stress free. I had a close call with a potential tenant last week who had moved some of his things into my rental house. In the process of being the good landlord and ensuring the move for the tenant went smoothly, I discovered him moving in a marijuana grow op, about 10 plants! This could have been disastrous for me. It is a situation where he is at no risk (the RCMP did a "no charge seizure" of his plants), but where I am at risk of losing my house. If an insurance company discovers that there has been a grow op in a house, they immediately cancel the policy, which in turn means the bank has no security which results in them foreclosing on the mortgage on the house. This fucking asshole put my life savings and the security of my family at risk just to support his habit. He asked me for a second chance....... The real piss off is that he came across to me as the victim of the ordeal.

I went through an emotional roller coaster with this one, going from livid anger, though confrontation, with the final result thankfully being happy relief.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Geez that was lucky. Glad to hear everything is OK.

Canadian law seems to be pretty slack when it comes to marijuana. He would have been in jail if he was growing that in Melbourne.