Sunday, June 7, 2009

Poor Isabelle

My Daughter Isabelle has come down with Pneumonia (sp?) and has been hospitalised for 5 days so that is where I am spending my time these days. We are just relieved to know what it is, we had three visits to Doctors over 10 days and were always told to wait it out. I took her to the emergency room when she developed an ear ache in addition to other symptoms she already had. She is on intravenous antibiotics and is feeling good. I am so thankful that we live in a time and place where this sort of thing can be effectively treated.

1 comment:

BronSki said...

Poor little sweety :( I hope she gets better quickly, sounds like she's getting good care, *hugs and a kiss*
Hope Dad's on a speedy mend still too!
x Bron