Saturday, November 5, 2022

Season 2023 Day One

We had about 20cm of wet snow in Rossland yesterday, while it made for nice photos, it was sloppy and made the driving conditions very challenging.  It was not inspiring snow for skiing.  However not much higher at the Strawberry Pass (about 20 Km Past Red Mountain Resort) with temperatures 4-5C colder the snow conditions were much better, in fact, they are ski worthy.

We skinned up to Red Dog cabin, about a 30-minute effort.   We are so fortunate to have access to these cabins, all volunteer-maintained and open to anyone who is up for the adventure.  

The Snow conditions are thin, but the skiing was great.  The photo below is Christine's first for season 2023.  It was a good one...


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

A Quick Run at Kootenay Pass

I drove to Banff today for CISA Course Conductor Training.  Of course from Rossland I have to drive over the Kootenay Pass which is just an epic ski touring area.  And since I am on this 30-day mission this was the obvious place for a run today.  I beat the rain, it started raining almost immediately once I got back in the car.  Conditions were marginal-very wet snow- but I had a great short run, and I was the only one out there.  It really is amazing what one can do in an hour on touring skis. 


Monday, November 16, 2020

Lepsoe Cabin Run

 My first real turns of season 2021 were powder turns, what a great way to start.  Conditions are still marginal, but fun.  We definitely needed to keep our tips up, the main concern being getting skis caught on something just under the snow, and we had to look for turning opportunities.  

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Nancy Greene Lake Provincial Park

Today I drove up to Nancy Greene Lake and skied two laps around the lake, it is about a 4 km poop.  This is a guess, I am not a stava type person.  The trail was well established mostly by the snowshoe enthusiasts although I only saw one couple on the trail who were also skiing.  

The lake is frozen over but I am sure the ice is not thick enough for skating.  In most years the lake freezes in clear weather leaving beautiful ice for skating, which usually lasts for about a week before it snows leaving the ice skating is limited to whatever size rink the hockey players clear.  This year though it snowed almost immediately after the new ice formed-great for skiers bad for ice skaters.


Friday, November 13, 2020

Winter is Here

We had a nice 30 cm surprise this morning.  These photos were taken at Black Jack Ski Club, but at the Main Trailhead, not the Biathalon area.  There is definitely enough snow here now for the trails to be groomed.  I enjoyed an unusual workout breaking trail through the deep snow.  


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Season 2021

Skiing is on for season 2021.  It feels good to not call it season 2020.   This will be a very different Ski Season for me and for Canadian Ski Quest.  With 97% of Canadian Ski Quest Skiers being international we will miss the usual fun and social dynamic that we have been enjoying for the past 25 winters at Red Mountain.  I'm not sure what the winter will hold for me personally other than I am committing to skiing (including snowboarding) more than ever.  We have had early snow and today was my second day on the XC skis.  My current goal is ski every day from now until Red Mountain Resort opens on December 12.  I will write about experiences and update the conditions on this blog.

Today was a Black Jack Cross Country day, I bought a pass this year and plan to get my money's worth. Conditions are still best described as "early season", today there was I guess about a good 5 cms snow (total).  On every third or fourth stride, I would get excellent grip thanks to the barely covered rocks.  Regardless it definitely feels great to get in a challenging workout in such a beautiful winter environment.


Monday, December 19, 2016

CSIA Ignition Day

 Today was CSIA Ignition Day at Red Mountain.

This is a day when CSIA Members get a day of training from CSIA Course Conductors (myself and Jonathan Campagna).  The goal of the day is to Ignite Instructors skiing and teaching passion for the 2017 season.  We aim to send each participant off with a direction in which to take their skiing for the season.

The day started cold and windy with poor visibility.  These conditions caused us to cower directly over to Rino's run.  The top of Granite was not suited to human habitation in and way.  However the conditions were much more civilized once on Rino's.  Then the conditions proceeded to improve throughout the day. 

It was great to ski with a group of such proficient skiers, all of whom shared a common bond.  Two notable instructors participating in the event were second year CSIA Member Jacob Flood and 50 (fifty)Year CSIA Member Dave Dumont.  The full range of the CSIA Membership was represented.  I am happy to report that Dave is still charging hard, skiing first lift to last lift with instructors 60 years his junior, what an incredible guy.

Note: CSIA "Ignition Day" has a similar name to Canadian Ski Quest "Ignition Week" .  The CSIA day is named after the Canadian Ski Quest product.